Monday, April 27, 2009


The other day I got a couple pictures of Mabel's been a long time since I have gotten a picture of her sleeping. Usually I steer clear of her when she is a sleep as not to wake her...but the other day she was sleeping and I wanted her to be awake so I grabbed the camera and clicked away. Man she is cute! Also regarding sleep we are done putting the crib together, now we just need to get it in the house. The cradle has been the best and Mabel loves it and I just know she is going to love the crib. Both the cradle and crib are from Grandma Claire...Pat, Ryan and Barnaby were all in the cradle as babies so it is extra special that Mabel has used it. The crib is a hand me down from the Bremer Family. The cute crib bumper is from Brad and Eryn and I know Mabel is going to make quick friends with the Winnie the Pooh clan! The sock monkey in the corner of the cradle is from Uncle Eric and is a permenent sleep buddy and will follow her to the crib. Sleep tight everyone. Make sure to check out the movie below
Pat thinks Mabel looks like she is in a Jail uniform in this jumper, so I though this picture was perfect.....looks like a happy baby to be in "jail"

This is Mabels airplane impersination!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The best

We just borrowed this backpack from Uncle Marc and Aunt Sandy (we gave them the Baby Bjorn carrier for Baby Kate and I saw Sandy with Kate in it today and they looked snug as a bug in a rug!)....both carriers are great. Mabel had out grown the Baby Bjorn with me, as she is getting taller and heavier and "wearing" her in the front, her head was hitting my chin and her legs hitting my legs. It was also hard to reach around her to get anything done. With the backpack I have full frontal motion and good weight training. At first I wasn't sure if Mabel was going to be able to really "ride" in the backpack with out some extra support. But boy was I wrong and boy is she getting big and strong and capable of a lot. I put her in it and it was a done deal. It fits great, it's comfortable, easy to get her in and out of and she loves it. She gets to pull my hair the whole time and do all the things with me around the house with a view. I am so in love with it. She is nice and low in it now and she can push up with her feet on the frame. But very soon she will tower over it. She likes to peer over the side...what a dare devil....must be the red head in her:)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh where does the time go!

We are all doing well...busy and well. Mabel had an exciting week with getting her first bruise and a cold....The bruise did not faze her at all nor did the cold really...and she got to sleep in Mom and Dads bed a few was nice to have her sleep with us has been a while. She is a tough cookie. She is all better now and Mom and Dad are very happy about that :) She is a dream come true. We have had some amazing weather the last few days....I have gone from trying to keep Mabel warm to making sure she is not to hot..and that may change again this weekend! Our backyard is really coming alive.

I was trying to get a picture of her first bruise but you can't really see it...which is probably better that way....but this is my new favorite sleeper (a hand me down...we love all the hand me downs)....she looks so darn cute in it.

Our Cherry Tree.
Mabel and Mom...this shirt that Mabel has on is a hand me down from the Farns (neigbors in Vermont) is so cute and has these cute little bows on the sleeves that Mabel likes to chew!
Miss Blue eyes.
Pat and the beds....see the little lettuce heads and our new Forsythia in the background.

The hot dog days of summer are near...Bella our sun dog:)

Mabel with her Famous Potato Shirt on with her Famous Potato Dad!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The begining and a visit from friends!

We have started the garden and I am so excited....our backyard is coming alive. We had a surprise visit from Jay, Amy and Tesla and Amy's sisiter Karis and Adam. It was so great to meet Tesla and to see Amy and Jay again. Mabel and Tesla hit it off from the start....both smiling and grabing each other and Mabel kicking her legs! Hope we get to see more of them now that Amy's sister lives in SLC.

The dirt

The mulch
Yum lettuce....we got it in the ground today!
Tesla trying out Mabels Bumbo....
The beds with fresh dirt.
Our herb garden...dill, rosemary, oregeno, mint, parsley.
Mint....yum summer tea on its way
We bought a forsythis for the front but we planted it in the backyard today because it is so beautiful and we spend a lot more time in the back then in the front.
Amy and Tesla...Tesla is watching Bella here so I couldn't get her to look at the time :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter weekend

A beautiful Easter Lily from our friend smells so good!

Our new Pack and Play!
Mabel's first day in jeans but not her last:) They are so cute on her.

The Exersaucer....we borrowed it from a friend...we all love it.
Every once in a while Mabel like to hear herself cough...a little scary at first for me, but she is just trying different things out with her mouth and body. Once I knew this, it was quite funny.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It's warmer...but for how long?

Someone likes to smile! We spent a little time out in the back yard with Bella, the chickens and the sun to get our quota of vitamin D the natural way...the chickens and Bella are always great entertainment. However we went to the farm store today to get some straw and they had rabbits...she loved watching them too so watch out Bella and chickens:)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Avenue Friends

Sage and Leland are Eli and Joann's kids. Sage is 5 and Leland is 3. We have watched them grow up. Sage was the only baby at out wedding almost 5 years ago and I think Leland was the first baby I held. Mabel and I walked up to their house on 10th avenue today because it was so beautiful out.

Friday, April 3, 2009

First Movie

Mabels Favorite

BATH TIME! She loves the water and could spend hours in it...she is going to love the summer.

We have had some really rainy and snowy weather here in Utah the last week or so...I love it! We always need it, the mountains look beautiful, and my yard and garden are soaking it all and my car is getting a free car wash and looks great:)

Our Spring yard getting a soaking but soon will be full of activity.