Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well we are waiting for the arrival of Baby Casey and I wish I could say we are doing that patiently BUT we are ready. However in the mean time we have been eating, doing odds and ends around the house, sleeping, walking, and of course watching the Olympics....Mabel has her clapping and yelling "GO" down, especially when we watch cross country skiing (which they have been showing every race!) or alpine skiing (GO USA).
My Mabel update is that she is amazing! Pat got home on the 7th of February and we all got the stomach bug....NOT FUN but we made it through it and learned a lot along the way and Mabel has been eating a ton since then, which is so very relaxing for me as I can get a little caught up in it at times. She is running and walking around everywhere inside and out....I love it. She is also starting to talk and say a few words or styles of words and loves to gesture the Itzy Bitzy spider, Patty Cake and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes songs. Also her favorite thing to do it hang out with her Dad and "wrench" on his skateboard and pull him by his finger to wherever she wants him to go.
Bella is doing well and the stage of Mabel picking on Bella and Bella ignoring Mabel or getting annoyed with her has passed and I would say they both like each other a lot....Bella especially likes to pick up the peanut butter cookie crumbs that Mabel leaves behind!

On to the pictures :)

Helping me clean the floor.

Mabel's long hair in the back.

Long walk.

The Living Plant SLC! Mabel liked it but stuck close to Dad. Kate was more of a dare devil.

More goggle pictures.

Hamming it up with Dad.

This was during the stomach bug....she never just lays on the couch.


George is a super Friend and really helped out during the stomach bug.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lessons from Mabel

Here are some lessons from Mabel :)

Put your hands up in the air when you are excited.

Enjoy being naked....even sitting on Bella's bed with her leash.

Enjoy Ice Cream whenever your Mom gives it to you.

Hangout with friends on the couch.

Drink water.

Try to be patient when Mom wants to take a group picture.

Smile for the camera.

Hug your cousin gently!

Love the Valentine's Fairy Dress from Sage and Leland....Thank you so much.