Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My best day ever!

We loaded up a canoe and headed to Squam!  It was the best!

 Hannah practicing some rowing.

 Yay family pic :)

Warming up on Dad.


My view while canoeing.  Check out how calm the water was!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer time and the living is easy!

 Making banana bread....which in the end Bella ate the whole loaf!

 Yum Summer corn.
 Book - Check, Milk - Check, Binky - Check.....one happy little girl.
 Summer time :)

 Swimming at the Farn's pool.

 Oh it's on....I can't get these girls out of the water.

 Picking Daisy's....hot dog or hamburger game pulling off the white petals.

 Summer time Smore's at Little Michigan.

 Our playground here in Plymouth.

 Waiting for the Memorial Day parade to start.

 Slide Races.

Thanks for looking :)