Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Hannah

What a day to turn the big 3.  It went something like this:

Crawled out of crib 6:30ish...
Banana muffins
Skiing with friends
Sledding party with cupcakes for all
Pizza party with friends
And lots of playing in between everything.
Fast asleep by 8




Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The 3 S's...Skiing, Sledding and Skating!

A long weekend here at Holderness, a Nor'easter and some sun made for so good times outside.  Thanks mother nature...perfect timing! 

 Bella showing her stride (and smile) during our walk at Quincy Bog.
 New Hampshire Blue Bird.
 Mabel making her way along.
 Hannah exploring.
 My girls.
 This was an attempt at a family picture but Hannah wanted nothing to do with it!
 This is how we get around most of the time...the girls are getting a little tight in there as they are growing like crazy...the heavy winter clothes don't help either!
 There is a little pond on campus called Frog Pond and they clear it for awesome and more my style then the rink!
 Hannah taking her turn with the skates.
 We had a good crew out there and a beautiful sunset.
 Dad was excited!
 Mabel all set and ready to go home after enough falls for both her and me.
Crawling is the safest :)

 Hannah the little scralper.
 There's Mabel owning it by herself...she's the far right.

 Bombs away!

 Yay a family picture!
 This was a cool giraffe to ski around at Bretton Woods.

 They had fun....

And then got tired!