Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We are just finishing up our first week of Spring Break! Yup we have another week. Lucky us :)
We took a hike up a trail called's short and has an amazing view of Squam Lake. Can't wait to be able to swim in Squam.
Hannah flying with Dad
Mabel's turn :)
First time skiing at Cannon Mountain....she had a great time and so did we.
Dad showing us how to light a fire in the snow.

This on is called "Hannah Walking"! Yup she's figuring it out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March in Vermont

The girls and I have been at my parents house for some time while Pat is out winter camping with the Junior Class. I haven't talked to Pat in over a week. No news is good news right? We also said if he didn't hear from us and we didn't hear from him all was good. Can't wait to see and talk to him. My Mom has been spoiling me and letting me get out everyday skiing. I have skied all the trails behind my parents house with the has been the most amazing skiing and so beautiful weather it is raining, snowing, windy, sunny or whatever mother nature is throwing at us. Today though is a drop dead gorgeous blue bird Vermont March Day. It got cold last night and we have a TON of snow but it is crusted over with a light dusting on it so perfect for walking on. My Dad just got back from Utah and we took the girls for a long walk. sledding around the property. In the middle of the walk Mabel had to pee and had no problem peeing right in the cool!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Peas and Carrots

Yup Mabel and Hannah go together like Peas and Carrots...mostly because Hannah will eat peas and Mabel will eat Carrots. I give them each a little dish of said vegetable at lunch and dinner and they go to town on them. It works out nicely and there eating vegetables which is a huge bonus!
Peas! - Big girl sitting in Mom's chair. You can tell she is proud of herself.
Carrots! - dressing herself up in my clothes.
Hannah loves this car....she can spend a good half hour getting in and out of it over and over again.
Baby and stroller....pure joy taking care of her "Baby Hannah"
R and R after having a day with the stomach bug.
Hannah sleeping hard, she has held strong and is the only one in the house who didn't get sick.

On the phone with Opi. Check out that sweet bruise on her head. Is she giving me the donkey eye?