Thursday, September 20, 2012

Birthday, Biking and Soccer

We had a great week last week.  Mabel turned 4 on Sunday and we had a great parents came over and we had a party with friends up at the OB cabin on the xc trails here at Holderness.  Saturday Mabel played you can see she is on the yellow team!  She had a great time.  Yesterday she rode a 2 wheel bike and who know what will be next!  It's been a big month for us so far!

Mabel and her good friend Haley.

Balloons and presents....does it get any better!

Happy Birthday Mabel - Cinderella Legos was her wish!

Yup believe it or not she is 4.

Birthday breakfast.

Gran and Opi came and sang and we all enjoyed brunch at the dining hall. 

Birthday muffins for Mabel to take to school on Monday 




A friend on campus gave us a 12 inch bike and Mabel rode right away on it no problem!  Very cool!
This is another picture of Mabel in front of her school on her first day.  I've been meaning to post it.


  1. Happy Birthday Mabel. And way to go on the bike! xo

  2. Happy 4th Birthday Mabel! Looks like lots of fun celebrating. And yes, aren't they so amazing when they just take off on their bikes! So much fun!

  3. Happy birthday to Mabel! She is adorable. We hope we get to see her soon. Do I spy ice cream cake? Jenna
