Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm calling it!

It's Official Mabel is potty trained....and we are very excited and so is she. It went like this....we started by wearing underwear and haveing a few successful days of peeing on the potty then we had a short week of no potty and all accidents (let me tell you I almost through in the towel) then from one day to the next we were back at it and doing the potty dance and eating M&M's and peeing and pooping on the potty. I would take a picture but that would be pretty funny since I don't know if you all need to see her going to the bathroom on the potty, don't get me wrong it's cute and one of the best parenting moments. I am calling it official because we have been accident free for more then 5 or 6 days. I know we will still have accidents but she is doing it all and has graduated from the little potty on the floor to the toilet where Mom and Dad sit! She sleeps in underwear for her nap and is in a diaper at night....I don't know when I will tackle the night time potty training as Mabel is still in her crib and happy as can be and I plan/ hope she will be in it until late summer or Fall. So to have her not be able to get out of her bed and go pee seems hard to ask her to hold it all night. Anyway I am super excited about it all as you can probably tell.

And before you know it I am going to be "Calling it" for Hannah walking....she has had one or two standing sessions of about 3 seconds and is starting to " walk" behind the stroller. So fun and so cute. Watch out Mabel:)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that is HUGE!
    M&Ms are a great motive.
