Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Casey Family Christmas Album

We had a wonderful Christmas, sure hope you all did too.

The girls in their Christmas dresses. Headed to the candle light service in the church where Pat and I were married.
Hannah with her duck and frog and of course her back pack too.
Mabel with her new to her skis and boots. She cut a few turns in my parents backyard. I am so excited about this.
If you want to play dress up...Mabel and Hannah would love you to come to our house and do it with them!
The Casey Family Christmas Tree
Mabel at work with her new kid camera. Getting a picture of Hannah climbing through her tunnel.
It got a little loud when Mabel and Opi were popping the bubble wrap.
Bubbles a plenty.
A Christmas Dinner leftovers Turkey Frittata.
Mabel's yogurt parfait in a martini glass!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away, Bring some snow!

My two "yellow jackets" in December.....this wet stuff is suppose to turn to snow tonight and drop 4 - 8! Bring it on:)
So fun!
Mabel catching some air for a bigger splash.
There is a cabin out on the ski trails here at school. It is a great destination to get to with the kids. Here are Mabel and Hannah with Ben at the OB (outback) cabin.
The Christmas Parade last Saturday was awesome. Here are the girls loving every minute of it.